Alps Wire Rope® sources many of our products from the following worldwide manufacturers:

Peak Performance® is the new brand from Alps Wire Rope® which signifies the highest quality of product and excellent customer service. From the heights of the Cranes to the city Elevators, from the Marine Rigging on the seas to the Oilfields in the deserts, and everything in between, Alps’ Peak Performance® ropes will exceed your needs. Call us today! Our dedicated customer service team is here to answer your questions and help you find the right solution for your job.
verope® AG is a Joint Venture company between Pierre Verreet, head and founder of verope®, and Kiswire Ltd. from South Korea. By using the extraordinary expertise of verope® in the special wire rope market and the long experience of Kiswire Ltd. in efficient production, verope® is a partner you can rely on.
A global company, Kiswire manufactures many wire and wire rope products used in a multitude of industries. Internationally noted for their very high quality, we are proud to offer Kiswire products.
KOSWIRE provides quality, highly polished stainless steel wire rope with a high fatigue and corrosion resistance which is essential in many applications.
With a state-of-the-art production facility and global distribution, Ropeblock is the leading supplier for the lifting and wire rope industry. Active in all major related industries, ranging from Mobile cranes to Offshore.